Tuesday, April 3

and so it begins...

jonah starting crawling on sunday! i can't believe it. he woke up from his nap and i put him on the floor in the living room and off he went! he's already bonked his head, torn down some beads, and gotten really upset because we wouldn't let him play with the tv. amazing how our lives have changed simply because jonah can move.
my friend, josh, said this is what his dad always says about crawling. and because i suck at telling things exactly right, i'll just paraphrase. "crawling is just the beginning. now they'll spend the rest of their lives moving away from you." kinda sad, but seems pretty accurate. i mean, if time keeps going by as fast as it has been the last 8 and 1/2 months, jonah will be leaving for college tomorrow!
so i'm so excited that my little baby is learning and growing and figuring things out, but i'd be okay if he just stayed small forever. i guess he'll always be my little boy...even if he is 6'3" and married with a baby. please don't let that day come too soon!

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